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Lidia Vianu - Director of CTITC (CENTRE FOR THE TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION OF THE CONTEMPORARY TEXT), Bucharest University, Professor of Contemporary British Literature at the English Department of Bucharest University, Member of the Writers’ Union, Romania.


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MA Programme for the


Review of Contemporary Texts in Translation and E-Learning





Ana Blandiana



     IDEEA mi-a venit privind acele anunturi de pe peretii localurilor de categoria a treia formuland surprinzatoarea interdictie: "Cantatul interzis". M-am gandit deodata ce ciudat este întregul nostru mecanism sufletesc si cum oamenii, band, simt nevoia sa cante (sa repete, deci, exprimarea unei mai vechi emotii a altcuiva) dintr-o incapacitate de a-si exprima intr-un fel propriu emotia momentului. Dispozitia lirica se cere materializata, dar, negasind mijloacele, se varsa in tipare existente, in stereotipii formate dinainte. Romante, cantece populare, marsuri militare, imnuri - se canta cu patima și nostalgie, de cele mai multe ori intr-o totala ignorare a legilor armoniei; ele sunt importante nu pentru ele insele, ci pentru ca au mai fost cantate, pentru ca amintesc alte emotii ale aceluiasi personaj. Ele, cantecele, sunt numai niște prefabricate din care se pot combina sentimente. „Pe Mures si pe Tarnave” realizeaza regretul plecarii din sat si, poate, din Ardeal; „Zaraza” amintsște o alta varsta, strabatuta.
    In toate aceste amuzante si, de fapt, simpatice obiceiuri, dramatica este numai ideea care mi-a venit contemplandu-le, ideea ca, precauti si economi, oamenii recurg la prefabricate nu numai în constructii, ci si in sentimente, ca viața (si viata inseamna reactie proprie la mediu) este inlocuita printr-un lana de stereotipii comode si asigurate de o verificare uneori seculara.
      A-ti exprima mania este cel putin dificil, in timp ce injuratura racoreste. Injuratura nu este decat un prefabricat al maniei, la indemana oricand si oricui. Stapanul infernului poate fi de mult indiferent tuturor, invocarea lui atat de frecventa a rămas o stereotipie, o simplificare, o descarcare. Cateva sute de formule fixe, uneori absurde, alteori naive, alteori scarboase, sunt puse sa inlocuiasca o stare sufleteasca pe care s-au cladit altadata epopei.
    Exemplele se pot inmulti: dragostea - cateva formule soptite; mila - cateva propozitii bolborosite; entuziasmul - cateva fraze tipate... Totul seamana cu o dizolvare, vom ajunge sa vorbim in cateva litere. Viata insasi se va descoperi ca poate fi inlocuita printr-o formula prescurtata si verificata a ei?





Alexandru Rad – Taut


Ana Blandiana


     I GOT the idea while I was watching those announcements on the walls of the third category pubs which were formulating the amazing interdiction: „Singing is forbidden”. I suddenly thought how strange our entire soul mechanism is and how people, drinking, need to sing (to repeat, so, the expressing of someone else’s older emotion) because of an incapacity of expressing way the emotion of the moment in a personal. The lyrical disposition has to be materialised, but not finding the means, it spills into existing patterns, into stereotypes that were created before. Romances, folk songs, military marches, anthems - are sung with passion and nostalgy, most of the times into a total ignorance of the harmony rules; they are important not for themselves, but because they were sung, because they remind other emotions of the same character. They, the songs, are only some prefabricated parts from which feelings can be combined. „Pe Mures si pe Tarnave” realizes the regret of leaving from one’s village and, maybe, from Ardeal; „Zaraza” reminds another age, already gone through.
     In all these funny and, actually, nice habits, dramatic is only the idea that came to me while I was contemplating them, the idea that, cautious and economical, people resort to prefabricated not only in buildings but also in feelings, that life (and life means one`s own reaction to environment) is replaced by a chain of idle stereotypes and asured by a sometimes secular verification.
       To express your anger is at least hard, is exhausting, while using strong language calms down. Bad language is nothing but a prefabricated of anger, that descarcare. Cateva sute de formule fixe, can be used any time by anyone. The master of the hell can be indifferent to everyone for a long time, his often invocation has remained a stereotype, a simplification, a stress release. Some of hundred of fixed formulas, sometimes absurd, other times naïve, other times disgusting, are put to replace a feeling on which epopee were build in the past.
      The number of examples can raise: love-a couple of whispered formulas; compassion - a couple of yelled sentences; enthusiasm-a couple of screamed phrases… Everything looks like dissolution, we will begin to talk in only a few letters. Will it be discovered that life itself can be replaced by a shorter and verified formula of it?




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