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Summit-ul de la Helsinki (10, 11 decembrie 1999) marcheaza sfarsitul unei perioade de tranzitie in viata Uniunii Europene, de la o regiune integrata exclusiv din punct de vedere economic, cu o piata unica, la un organism politic care isi propune sa aiba propriile initiative de politica externa si securitate. Acest summit a schimbat si destinul Romaniei...


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"Scoala Online" ("The Online School") is a Romanian educational project intended to help and modernize both the Romanian teaching process and also helping the integration in the European Union. And this is how this section of the project was born. "Vrei sa fii european" is actually a question and it means "Do you want to be an european?".


By visiting this site, we try to make our visitors answer the question and understanding . Our main purpose is to present the European Union with its institutions, member states, economy, advantages and so on.


Because this site is educational, we also try to speak about the educational standards in Europe. We also try to give details about the European study centers in Romania, or about  the European resources on the Internet.


The European study centers are financed by the European Union and they're duty is to prepare the next generation of Europeans. This centers are in all the geographic areas, provide very good learning conditions and by choosing them, you choose to be an European...

The European Parliament has an active role in the legislational process, dealing with the internal market, the consumer's protection, transports, education, health, etc. The parliament's site can offer you tons of information about the institution itself and about the activities...




Centre de Studii Europene


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Viata in campus: stiri, burse, cazari, cluburi, baluri ale bobocilor - afla totul despre viata in studentie!

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Gazduit de eXtrem computers | Project Manager: Bogdan Gavrila (C)  


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