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Lidia Vianu - Director of CTITC (CENTRE FOR THE TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION OF THE CONTEMPORARY TEXT), Bucharest University, Professor of Contemporary British Literature at the English Department of Bucharest University, Member of the Writers’ Union, Romania.


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MA Programme for the


Review of Contemporary Texts in Translation and E-Learning





Ana Blandiana



      Intaii voievozi ai Moldovei au coborat din Maramures, iar ai Munteniei -zice legenda- din Fagaras. Mult inainte, intre Fagaras si Maramures palpitase statul lui Gelu. Imaginatia carui istoric s-ar incumeta sa recladeasca mileniul destramat aici de retragerea romanilor si pana la intemeierea tarilor romanesti, excentric, dincolo de munti? Ce alchimist ar putea sa inchipuie temperatura la care -inaintea crestinismului- doua popoare infruntandu-se s-au contopit, dand nastere unui aliaj purtand insemnele nasterii sale misterioase? Cine ar putea sa refaca mental fantastica mie de ani in care acest popor, de o parte si de alta a Carpatilor, a folosit muntii ca pe un ultim scut impotriva inceputului sau sfarsitului de zi? Oricum ar fi fost acel neguros si necunoscut mileniu transilvan, in el -acolo, atunci- ne-am nascut si am invatat sa vorbim, acolo ne-au murit primii viteji si s-au traganat primele bocete. Este intaiul mare moment al Ardealului.
    Cel de-al doilea moment se numeste Inochentie Micu Clain. Constiinþa unitatii romanesti o au si cronicarii Moldovei, o duce in Europa Dimitrie Cantemir si o trateaza savant Constantin Cantacuzino. Dar constiinta unitatii romanesti trece din manuscrise in confruntare si martiriu odata cu Inochentie Micu. De la acest sfant incepe inaltatorul calvar, in acelasi timp social si national, urcat pe rand de savanti, scriitori si tarani, preoti si invatatori, urcat pana la roata, pana in exil, pana la spanzuratoarea improvizatã intr-o magazie sau pana la pierderea mintii, urcat pana la punctul unde apoteoza a devenit posibila.
     Nimic nu a fost daruit.
   Nu Romania si-a alipit Transilvania, ci Transilvnia s-a unit cu Romania, intregind nu doar geografia si bogatiile statului roman, ci intregindu-i istoria cu o vocatie a daruirii, neobisnuita. Trasnilvania a adus tarii cursul dinspre izvor, dureros, al apelor ºi varfurile muntilor niciodata comozi. Trasnilvania a adus tarii partea de nord a sufletelor noastre.







Tudor Cherhat


Ana Blandiana


The legend says the first hospodars of Moldova came from Maramures and those of Muntenia came from Fagaras. Long before, Gelu’s principality had bustled between the areas of Fagaras and Maramures. Whose historian imagination would dare to rebuild the millennium shattered here from Roman’s retreat to the foundation of Romanian states, beyond the mountains? What alchemist could ever imagine the temperature at which - before Christianity - two peoples, while fighting one against the other, finally united, giving birth to an alloy wearing the markings of its mysterious birth? Who could mentally remake the fantastic one thousand years in which this people, one side and the other of the Carpathian Mountains, used these mountains as their last shield against the beginning or the end of the day? No matter how that foggy and unknown Transylvanian millennium might have been, that was the place in which -there and then- we were born and learned to speak, that is the place where our first heroes died and where the first dirges have flowed. It is the first big moment of Transylvania.
    The second moment it is called Inochentie Micu Clain. The consciousness of the
    Romanian unity is also beheld by the Moldova’s chroniclers, it is taken to Europe by Dimitrie Cantemir and it is scientifically treated by Constantin Cantacuzino. But the consciousness of the Romanian unity passes from manuscripts to confrontation and martyrdom along with Inochentie Micu. From this saint begins at the same time the social and national lofty nightmare, elevated in turns by scientists, writers and peasants, priests and teachers, ascended to the wheel, to the exile, to the off-hand gallows in a storehouse or even up to the loss of mind, ascended to the point where the apotheosis became possible.
Nothing has been given.
Romania did not annex Transylvania, but Transylvania concatenated with Romania, reunifying not only the geography and Romanian’s treasures, but also its history with an unusual vocation of devotedness. Transylvania brought to its country the painful course from the spring of the waters and of the never smooth mountain peaks. Transylvania brought to the country the north part of our souls.




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